week 11 – convergence and the future of communication



  • Show & Tell:
    Abigail, Alana/Melissa, Alayna/Lauren, Andrew, Ashley, David, Jay/Bryan, Kaarin, Kyle, Natalie, Rachelle
    * Complete a feedback form for each presenter; please return to me before leaving class
    * Vote on cupcakes for Wednesday
  • Small group discussion on convergence (reading assignment summary)
    * What are some specific benefits and drawbacks of convergence? Specific.
    * What other collaborations would you like to see telephone companies teaming up with?
    * How does your current technology benefit from access agnosticism?
    * Do you feel paying separate bills is enough hassle to impose bundling or are telecom companies just trying to make their own lives easier?
    * What are the advantages and drawbacks for a one-stop-shop home phone, Internet, TV and mobile phone service company.
    * if and when this convergence happens, how much of a buying decision does an end consumer have?
    * How does internet drive many of the forces that affect and control/limit convergence?
    * to borrow from the article itself: “What problem is convergence solving?”
    * Who benefits more from the triple and quadruple bundle services? Customers? Or companies?
    * What bothers you about the convergence taking place in the technology world?
  • Spotlight on subject matter posts:
    * Abigail – persuasive
    * Ashley – link post
    * David – analytical
    * Kathleen – analytical
    * Melissa – persuasive
    * Natalie – link post


  • Blog conformance (lab time if you need help on any of this)
    • Navigation /must/ include archives, pages and categories
    • All posts /must/ be categorized
    • About page /must/ include some personal information (at least first name and blog is for this course)
    • There /must/ be a creative commons license in the navigation panel or on the about page
  • Final Project:
    • Due next Monday at 1.30 pm, summarize project in a blog post and link to the project
    • Link to the website or blog if it was a stand-alone project
    • If your project is a research paper, either create a stand-alone blog for the paper or create a page (or series of pages) on your blog
  • Final Essay:
  • Peer Interaction:
    • Your second comment log is due next Monday at 1.30 pm via email; please put “comment log” in the subject line or create as Google Doc and add me (kegill@ – thanks, Lizeth!)
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